lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019

Tutoriales de funciones de excel

En clase nos pidieron realizar la explicación de distintas funciones de Excel con mi compañera Violeta decimos explicar "suma", "promedio", "si" y "formato de celda".

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019

Mikhail Gorbachev

In the class of history we have been working with the Cold War and the Soviet Union. We are now getting to the end and we have to investigate and do a mindmap about the person who was the Leader of the Soviet union when it collapsed; Mikhail Gorbachev. I did it with Manuel Fernandez

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

Infographic about Eddie Carbone

In class, we read the play "A View from the Bridge" by Arthur Miller. After we analysed it, in groups, we had to make an infographic with the analysis of one of the characters. I did it with Manuela and Celeste and we did it about Eddie Carbone


Literature revision

In Literature the teacher divided us in groups in order to make presentations about the last poems ans stories that we must read for the exam. We had to made them with different groups; in one group we did "The Bath" by Janet Frame and with the other group we did "Stormcock in Elder" by Ruth Pitter.

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

¡Todo los que necesitas saber sobre los distintos sistemas circulatorios!

En la clase de biología estuvimos trabajando en los distintos sistemas circulatorios de las distintas clasificaciones de los vertebrados e invertebrados. Lo primero que investigamos fue como se diferencian los sistemas circulatorios, entre abierto y cerrado y doble o simple. Por ejemplo, los mamíferos tienen un sistema circulatorio doble y cerrado ya que, la sangre circula en vasos sanguíneos y se queda en esos vasos sanguíneos y es doble ya que recorre dos circuitos. En nuestro caso el pulmonar y el sistemático.

Para empezar aquí son están los distintos corazones que componen los distintos sistemas circulatorios.



A continuación aquí hay más información sobre los distintos sistemas:

Palabras clave 
Es abierto. El corazón está tabicado y se divide, en tres cámaras (dos aurículas y un ventrículo), aunque el número de éstas es muy variable. El corazón está recubierto por una fina tela que forma la cavidad pericárdica. La hemolinfa pasa del ventrículo a los vasos que vierten a los espacios tisulares, donde es recogido por otros vasos que van hacia las branquias donde la sangre se oxigena y de ahí vuelve al corazón por la aurícula.

•Sistema abierto

•Dos aurículas y un ventrículo 

Tienen un sistema circulatorio cerrado. Hay un gran vaso dorsal y otro ventral, comunicados por vasos transversales. Todos se contraen rítmicamente.En las lombrices de tierra, además, aparecen vasos transversales anteriores más anchos, llamados arcos aórticos que actúan como pequeños corazones
•Sistema Cerrado y simple

•Vaso dorsal 

•Vaso ventral

•Vasos transversales

El sistema circulatorio de los insectos está formado por un tubo dorsal que recorre casi toda la longitud del cuerpo. Por el interior de este tubo circula el fluido que baña el interior del cuerpo de los insectos: la hemolinfa, que hace las funciones de la sangre en otros animales.
•Tubo dorsal


Sistema abierta 


un corazón aparece como un tubo dorsal, situado en una cámara pericárdica. Primitivamente este corazón es segmentado, y presenta dilataciones entre cada segmento. A cada lado del corazón hay un par de hendiduras, permiten el ingreso de la sangre desde la cámara pericárdica.
Sistema abierto


Cámara pericárdica

sistema circulatorio doble (existen dos circuitos, uno que lleva la sangre a los órganos respiratorios para tomar oxígeno, y otro que lleva la sangre ya oxigenada al resto de órganos) es incompleto (existe mezcla parcial de sangre venosa y arterial en el corazón.
Sistema doble y semi cerrado.

Dos aurículas y un ventriculo
un sistema circulatorio cerrado con un corazón que bombea la sangre a través de un circuito único por todo el cuerpo. El ventrículo es una bolsa muscular de paredes gruesas, que se contrae y empuja la sangre a un tubo largo llamado bulbo arterioso.
Sistema cerrado y simple 

El sistema circulatorio en animales mamíferos incluye tanto el sistema cardiovascular (un sistema cerrado), como el sistema linfático (sistema abierto y unidireccional). Aparato circulatorio → Líquido (sangre) → Tuberías (vasos sanguíneos) → Bomba (corazón).
Sistema cerrado

Y por último para cerrar el tema, acá hay un vídeo explicando el ciclo cardíaco e imagenes descriptivas del corazón humano. 

sábado, 20 de julio de 2019

"The Poplar-Field" by William Cowper

In Literature, we read the poem "The Poplar-Field" by William Cowper. After we analyzed it, in pairs, we had to make a presentation with the analysis. I did it with Manuela

I'm having problems to upload my presentation, so here you can see it.

Resultado de imagen para poplar-field

lunes, 15 de julio de 2019

Water is life!

Today in Enviromental Managment we wath two videos and we have to write a brief text about the reflection we get from them. 

In both videos we watch how in poor water countries people struggle to get water we can easily get from our taps at home. A clear example is shown in the second video were the little girl has to walk 4 miles to get daily water. This made me think about how many rights are taken away every day from those children who have to walk so far to grab something so essential for life. The first right they do not have is the right of water, however they also lose the right of education and fun. Having these in mind each of us has to valorate the facilities we have and tried to take care of them. I addition, every time we can we should help the people who need the most.

The characteristics of the diffrent climates around the world

In the class of Environmental Managment we studied the climates around the world and there characteristic. As a mode of summary we made a chart putting the most important features of each.

jueves, 11 de julio de 2019

The Cuban Missile Crisis

In History, we have been studying some conflicts against Communism. In my case with Santiago, Mora, Violeta and Tomas we analysed "The Cuban Missile Crisis." Here is the presentation we did.

Tropical cyclones

 In the Environmental Managment class we had to do a sumery about tropical cyclones. After doing it, our teacher, Marcela Rossi, made the corrections that are mark in red. 

Climatic Hazards; tropical cyclones

Climatic hazards are agents of disaster in terms of what they may do to human settlements or to theenvironment; (sentencecopied from some of them are the tropical cyclones, floods and droughts. The tropical cyclones are storms that bring destruction and other consequences that generally last between 24 and 48 hours. There are three types of tropical cyclones: hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones. All are the same (so there aren’t three types: correct this, please) but their names changes depending on the place where they are form. Hurricanes form in the North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and eastern or central North Pacific Ocean. Typhoons are in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean. Cyclones are in the North of the Indian Ocean between 100º east longitude and 45º south latitude. In this resume, I will be referring to them like hurricanes.

The name hurricane comes from the Taino (the indigenous people of the Caribbean and Florida) word “huricán”, who was the Carib Indian god of evil. However, we cannot call all the tropical cyclones of the North Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea hurricanes (What do you mean?) that is why there is a World Meteorological Organization which develops a list of names that are assigned in alphabetical order to tropical storms as they are discovered in each hurricane season. Names can be repeated after an interval of six years, but the names of especially severe storms are permanently retired from use.

Hurricanes are more common at the end of summer and beginning of autumn because the water is warmer, at least 27ºC. Other conditions necessary for hurricanes are low pressure and being within the tropics. The predictions to know when they are going to occur are the sea’s movements, measuring the speed of the winds and satellite images. 

Hurricanes go to 150 km or more and have level measuring to know how dangerous a hurricane can be. The levels 1 to 5 depends on the speed, 1 is the less destructive and 5 is the most destructive (Name of scale?) However, how hurricanes are made? When the warm air rises, causes an area of lower air pressure below. As the warmed, moist air rises and cools off, the water in the (where?) forms clouds. The whole system of clouds and wind spins and grows, fed by the ocean’s heat and water evaporating from the surface. The storm north of the equator spins counterclockwise. The storms south of the equator spin clockwise.
The effects of the hurricanes are immediate, with short-term effects and with long- term effect. Some examples of immediate effects are the destruction of buildings and people’s death. Some short effects are floods and higher sea level. Some of the long term problems are connected with diseases and the money the governments have to expend in reparations.

A very famous example was the hurricane Maria was a deadly Category 5 hurricane that devastated Dominica, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico in September 2017. It is regarded as the worst natural disaster on record to affect those islands and is also the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Jeanne in 2004. Nearly 5,000 people died as a result and the island continues to recover, but efforts have been delayed by its problematic power grid, and electricity has not been restored to all of the island nearly nine months after the storm. storm.

lunes, 1 de julio de 2019

On partage une belle chanson française

En classe de français, pour la semaine française, nous nous associons à des groupes pour choisir une chanson française.

On partage une belle chanson française

La, la, la...

Allez danse, danse, vient dans mes bras,
Allez tourne, tourne, reste avec moi,
Allez Partons vite si tu veux bien, dès le jour,
Le soleil brille très haut tu sais,
Mais j'aime ça, je t'attendrais
Alors Partons vite si tu veux bien, Sans retour...

Rit plus fort et parle-moi
De nos projets, nos rêves tout ça
Donne-moi la main, embrasse-moi, mon amour
Le temps comme ami, moi je veux bien
Mais les amis ça va, ça vient,
Alors Partons vite brûler le jour et la nuit

évidemment, tu l'aimes encore,
Je le vois bien tu sais, et puis alors?
Mais pour l'instant ferme tes yeux, passe ta main dans mes cheveux.

Je veux entendre, ton coeur qui bat, tu sais, je crois qu'il chante pour moi
Mais en douceur comme ça tout bas, comme un sourd
Mon coeur lui s'emballe, il vole haut, peut être un peut trop haut pour moi
Mais je m'en fou, je suis vivant pour de bon
Allez danse, danse, regarde-moi
Allez tourne, tourne, ne t'arrête pas
Allez Partons vite, si tu veux bien, dès le jour
le soleil brille, profitons-en
Je t'attendrai, je t'aime tant
Alors vas-t'en vite si tu veux bien, sans retour

évidemment, tu l'aimes encore,
Ça crève les yeux mon dieu, Tu l'aimes encore
Mais pour l'instant ferme tes yeux, passe ta main dans mes cheveux

Allez danse mon amour! Allez danse!
Faisons de nos enfants des droits!
Fait tourner le monde mon amour, fait tourner le monde

Allez danse, danse, retourne-toi
Allez tourne, tourne, ne t'arrête pas
Allez Partons vite, si tu veux bien, dès le jour
J'ai manqué d'air je m'en souviens,
Toutes ses années sans toi sans rien
Même mes chansons se baladaient le cur lourd

évidemment, tu l'aimes encore,
Ça crève les yeux mon dieu, ça crève les yeux mon dieu
Mon dieu…

Ce qui s'est passé en France ces dernières années?

En classe de français, par groupes de quatre, nous avons dû rechercher un événement ou une nouvelle qui s'est passé cette année en France.

Ce qui s'est passé en France ces dernières années?
130 anniversaire de La Tour Eiffel

Construit par l'architecte Gustave Eiffel et ouvert au public le 15 mai 1889, il symbolise la "puissance industrielle" de la France au 19ème siècle. D'une hauteur de 324 mètres, d'une masse de 7 300 tonnes et de 7 millions de visites par an, la Tour Eiffel, qui a fêté ses 130 ans cette année, semble éternelle. Ce qui est célébré dans le monde entier et qui appartient à la ville de Paris n’a pas toujours été aimé: sa construction s’est accompagnée d’une "grande controverse, de plaintes et de demandes" de la part de l’opposition, a rappelé l’assistant chargé de la culture au Mairie de Paris, Christophe Girard. Cependant, pour célébrer son ouverture au public le 15 mai 1889, l'Hôtel de Ville a invité, le mercredi 15 mai, 1 300 enfants à découvrir le monument et à écrire une carte postale dans le cadre du festival "Paris Written". Après un concert gratuit de Jeanne Ajouté à 20h30, la maire du PS, Anne Hidalgo, a commencé un spectacle de lumière à 22h00, diffusé toutes les heures jusqu'à mercredi, jeudi et vendredi, à minuit.

Um jeu pour fêter

Pour célébrer le 130e anniversaire du Tour, un "jeu d'aventure" intitulé "Le dossier secret de la tour Eiffel" a été lancé. Il est proposé aux visiteurs jusqu'à la fin de l'année. Jeu d'évasion de la Tour Eiffel (François Grunberg / Ville de Paris) Depuis le week-end d'anniversaire des 30 et 31 mars 2019, un «jeu d'aventure» est proposé aux visiteurs sous la forme d'un parcours scénarisé *, à la fois chasse au trésor et théâtre immersif. Tout au long de ce voyage au cœur de la Dame de fer, des humoristes en costume d'époque évoquent la vie Touren 1889 et encouragent la visite du monument. C'est à vous de découvrir les indices grâce aux représentations qu'ils vont présenter. Le cours est proposé par la compagnie théâtrale du spectacle musical "La Tour de 300 métros", présenté au Théâtre des Mathurins du 21 mars au 29 juin 2019. Le travail couvre l'histoire de la construction de la Tour Eiffel à travers des personnages. Historique et fiction.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

Literary essay of "The Moving Finger"

In Literature, we read "The Moving Finger" by Edith Wharton. After we analysed the story, we had to make a literary essay explaining how love, obsession and control are explored.

Literary essay

How does the story explore ideas of love obsession and control?

The essay will be about “The Moving Finger” by Edith Wharton written in 1899. It is about how a wife’s death and her husband overcome her death.The author develops a relationship between Mr Grancy and Mrs Grancy’s portrait, and how the love he felt for her ended up turning into an obsession, and the need of having control over her.

Drawn by Michael Garmash
In the first place, when Ralph Grancy married his first wife he suffered a deep depression which many thought he couldn’t get out. The narrator proved that he witnessed that when he said: “we had seen him sinking under the leaden embrace of her affection.” This quotation gives us the idea of how it was the relationship between Mr Grancy and his first wife was; even though they loved each other they harmed themselves and damage each other. Afterwards, when he fell in love again and married his second wife, he recovered; he burst into flower. The love little by little started to become an obsession. In the first place, after Ralph brought Mrs Grancy into New York his friend’s weren't expecting something positive, nevertheless, after meeting Mrs Grancy they accepted her and started thinking it was a good thing that Ralph had married her. This acceptance gives us the idea of Mrs Grancy as a perfect woman who has no defect. Mr Grancy’s friend, Claydon, was an example of how enthusiastic they were with their marriage. He painted Mrs Grancy’s portrait as a request of Mr Grancy. Ralph wanted to imprison her, as the quotation “You`re my prisoner now- I shall never lose you” shows. Here we can see how even when Mrs Grancy was alive, Ralph wanted to have some type of control over her and never lose her. When the time passed by and Mrs Grancy died Ralph started travelling and imagined her as she accompanied him. That is the reason why when Mr Grancy returned home and saw the portrait he felt that Mrs Grancy was leaving him behind; he felt perhaps for the first time the death of his wife. When time froze it is like being dead. That is the reason why Mr Grancy asked Claydon to change the portrait, to edge Mrs Grancy, to be equal to keep her alive. After the portrait became his wife, she was with him again. His obsession and lack of control obliged him to unfreeze time in the portrait.

In the second place, it can be interpreted that Claydon had a feeling for Mrs Grancy as well. He falls in love with this woman and pursues an affair with her before her death. When Claydon painted the portrait, Mr Grancy was so pleased about how he could paint Mrs Grancy unique look. With this, we can interpret that Claydon really loved Mrs Grancy. Nevertheless, if we think about Mrs Grancy enamored look to Claydon we can assume that Mrs GRancy also love him back. Claydon loved her, he was obsessed with her and wanted to have her for himself. When Mrs Grancy died the only thing he could have from her was the portrait she left. In the beginning, he did not want to change the portrait, but he ended changing it anyway. An explanation we can deduce is that Claydon did not want to lose his friendship with Mr Grancy, he wanted to maintain his relationship with him to win his trust and end with the portrait at the end; he was already elaborating a plan. Nevertheless, the third time he changed the portrait he painted Mrs Grancy with the face of a woman that knows that her husband will die. As a consequence, Mr Grancy died believing in his wife, the opposite of Claydon’s purposes. Claydon wanted to separate them, he wanted Mrs Grancy for himself, that is why he wanted Ralph to distrust her. However, he ended up bringing them closer. His obsession with the portrait is shown in the quotation “she belongs to me now.” 

Finally, Mr Grancy and Claydon although they thought they had control over the painting they were actually suffering a lack of control over it; they were being controlled by the portrait. Mrs Grancy had the full trust of Ralph and Claydon she could manage both of them as she wanted. A clear example is when Claydon changed the portrait the second time because she asked him. She wanted that Claydon to obeyed Mr Grancy because she belonged to him not to Claydon as it is shown in the quotation "I'm not yours but his, and I want you to make me what he wishes." Moreover, Mrs Grancy wanted to tell Mr Grancy he was dying, that is why she told Claydon about it and made him deliver it. As a consequence when Mr Grancy saw the face of his wife telling him he was going to die and believed in her, afterwards he ended up in his grave next to her. The obsession both men had for the woman was so extreme that they did not even question themselves if what Mrs Grancy said was okay.

To conclude, “The Moving Finger” develops love, control and obsession throughout the story in the characters of Mr Grancy and Claydon. Neither of them could let go Mrs Grancy and the control they wanted to have over the portrait broke their relationship. Mr Grancy depended on his wife, on her affection that is why even after death he could not let her go. In the case of Claydon, he fell in love with something dangerous and prohibited which produce a bigger desire in him. Consequently, when Mrs Grancy died, Claydon couldn’t realise that even then Mrs Grancy was not for him, she still belonged to Ralph. That it is why Claydon wanted to break Mr Grancy and Mrs Grancy relationship in any way.

viernes, 12 de abril de 2019

"The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane analysis

In the Literature class, we have been working with the story "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane. We had to make an infography to explain the themes. I did my Piktochart with Manuela.
